Tuesday 19 February 2013

English Speech

Untuk temen temen yang punya tugas membuat pidato bahasa inggris. Nihh, kita punya contoh pidatonya. :)

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Your excellencies the chairman of the committee of this competition,
Your excellencies the jouries,

Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin, all praise be to Allah who give us a good health, so we can meet in this place. Before i deliver my speech, i would like to say thank you for official that has give me a chance to say in front of you all.

Ladies and Gentleman

I would like to deliver my speech entitled  “ How to Solve Traffic in Jakarta “

The main problem in Jakarta until now is traffic jam. Many things cause traffic jam in Jakarta, for example, the drivers indiscipline, the ignorance society to use public transportation, and others.

But, we have to solve the problem. Well, in this speech, I would like to give opinion how to keep traffic jam in Jakarta resolved.

Ladies and Gentleman

There are two point solutions to solve traffic jam in Jakarta based on my opinion.

First the government must improve discipline of all the drivers. This can applied
by :

(A). The government must act decisively to all drivers who violating traffic rule with appropriate sanctions. Government firm and disciplined, will make road users who violating traffic rule into "fear" and deterrent. So there will be no road user who violates traffic rules.

(B). Then, the government should limit the use of private vehicles. This can be demonstrated by the "Progressive Taxation". For example, my father has one car. His tax is 10%. If he has two cars, the tax would be many-fold. With this, the people becomes unpassion to buy a car, because a large tax.

(C). And then, the Government should increase the awareness of the society to use public transportation. Therefore, the government should improve the facilities of transportation.

          Ladies and Gentleman

The Second point for solving traffic jam is improving of facilities on public transportation so that people are interested to use it. In my opinion, there are some way to solve this problem:

First, the opened land in Jakarta is limited. So it is not possible for us to widen the road in horizontal (landscape), so it most likely made a new road. For solve this problem, can be made the Road Flyover, the MRT ( Mono Rail Train ), and Subway.

Second, improving the public transportation service. In improving service on public transportation, we can improve the existing facilities. We can do this with the method of "Comfortable and Safe". Comfortable, means how to keep passengers feel comfortable using public transportation. For example, the chairs should be comfortable, and then the bus provides available air conditioning, and it’s always clean. Safe, means how to keep the passengers feel safe on the public transportation. For example, the transportation  provide the security guard. So, there will be no more thiefs and other crimes.

Ladies and Gentleman,
That’s all, i can share to solve a traffic jam in Jakarta is very complicated. But, we can do a small thing to solve it. For example, if we go to Jakarta or anywhere, try to use public transportation, like a train or a bus. If all people do this, there will be no more traffic jam.
Ladies and Gentlman,
Based on my idea above, everything begins from a small thing. So, if we do something positive that other people don’t do it, we don’t have to give up. Because it will affect them.
Ladies and Gentleman
That is my speech. I hope it can be useful for us. Thank you for your attention.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Thanks for visiting :)


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